Friday, July 13, 2007

Our New Septic System

Well, we are trying to get the new septic system finished. We started working on getting everything together (tank, pipe, gravel, backhoe, etc.) on Tuesday. We still don't have the gravel but we have to return the backhoe today so Frank is still digging. He dug last night until after 10:00 PM and it back at it again this morning, only it is raining today. He dug the big hole for the tank yesterday and we set the tank (cement about 7000 lbs.) in the hole last night. He also got most of the lateral lines dug last night. We should finish this "little" project by tomorrow.

Ever wonder why someone would decide they need a new septic system? Well....if you live in the country there is no city sewer system so homes have individual septic systems. Most are done with concrete tanks such as we are installing, some have been known to use other types of containers, especially if there is no rules or zoning where they live. Some of the other types that I have heard of are 55 gallon drums, small (500 - 1000 gallon) oil tanks that have been cleaned out, but the old we have here is a new one for me...........four big tractor tires stacked on top of each other with railroad ties across the top for the lid! Talk about American ingenuity! It did work for about 11 years and then the ties rotted and fell in. Needless to say the results are not pleasant smelling! As soon as we get the new system finished, we are going to be right uptown with our modern stuff.

Anyway, I did get to operate the backhoe a little last night. That was cool! It has all kinds of levers and buttons and gizmos and you can make the digging bucket go up and down, sideways and all sorts of cool things!

Do you think there is something missing in my life if I can get this excited over a new septic system? How many wives get to say their husband has given them a new septic system? Told you my husband is awesome! Well, all for now. Boys, Nanny loves you and the next blog will be all about you!

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